Lambda Legal submitted testimony explaining the negative impact of school disciplinary actions that push LGBTQ students out of schools and into juvenile justice systems.
Lambda Legal has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Kim Millbrook, a federal prison inmate who sued the government after claiming he was sexually assaulted by prison officers.
Against court orders, the police department in Westchester County, N.Y., released to the media sealed information—including names and photos—about at least 13 men arrested in a sex sting.
Lambda Legal has launched "Protected and Served?"—a nationwide survey about the experiences that LGBT people and people with HIV face when dealing with law enforcement, prisons, courts and schools.
"There are still countless jurisdictions in which it is essentially a crime to be a sexually active HIV-positive man," writes Towleroad's Ari Ezra Waldman.
The Iowa daily writes about Lambda Legal plaintiff Nick Rhoades, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison—and lifetime registration as a sex offender—after a one-time sexual encounter with another man, during which they used a condom.
Today Lambda Legal filed an appeal on a petition for post-conviction relief in the Iowa Supreme Court on behalf of an HIV-positive Iowa man, Nick Rhoades. Rhoades was sentenced to 25 years in prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender after having a one-time sexual encounter with another man during which they used a condom.
Lambda Legal has filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging New York State's highest court to drop the aggravated assault charge leveled at a criminal defendant based on his HIV status.
Lambda Legal is urging a California court to reverse several convictions from a 2009 sting operation in the Warm Sands neighborhood of Palm Springs, Calif., because the arrests were the result of discriminatory enforcement of the laws.