Case arguing against a residential center's withholding of prescription hormone medication and punishment of gender expression for a transgender woman
(Amicus) Case arguing against ban on any person who engages in same-sex sodomy from becoming a foster parent
Case that won the right for same-sex couples to marry in Iowa
University's domestic partner benefits program threatened by antigay group and legislator
(Amicus) Case arguing that a customer's prejudices are not grounds to terminate transgender employees because of their appearance
Administrative appeal of a state Medicaid program's refusal to cover the cost of a life-saving organ transplant because the recipient is a woman living with HIV
Case arguing for a student's right to be protected from antigay harassment
(Amicus) Case arguing for a customer's right to equal treatment
(Amicus) Case arguing that Ohio's constitutional amendment banning marriage for same-sex couples does not exempt one from domestic violence charges because he is not married to the person he is accused of abusing
Case arguing for joint adoption by same-sex couples
Case seeking health benefits for same-sex spouse of retired New York school teacher after they were married in Canada