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Encouraged by UPS Statement in Anti-Gay Bias Case, Lambda Legal Continues Harnessing Support for Gay Couple Forced Apart Because of Discriminatory Policy

(San Francisco, August 27, 2003) - As United Parcel Service continues discussions with Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund to fulfill its promise to treat lesbian and gay employees fairly, Lambda Legal said today that its anti-gay discrimination lawsuit against the company continues and urged people to join petitions already signed by hundreds of people urging UPS to implement the inclusion of same-sex couples in a company relocation policy.

In Anti-Gay Bias Lawsuit Against UPS, Lambda Legal Says Gay Couple of 27 Years Is Forced To Live Apart Because UPS Policy Favors Straight, Married Couples

(San Francisco, August 19, 2003) - United Parcel Service illegally discriminates against its lesbian and gay employees by not including them in a corporate policy that lets employees relocate to another city to avoid having their families broken apart when their loved ones have job transfers, Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund said in a lawsuit filed in California state court today.

Lambda Legal Joins City of New Orleans in Defending Domestic Partnership Benefits for City Employees

(New Orleans, August 14, 2003) In court papers filed today, Lambda Legal joins the City of New Orleans in defending the city’s policy extending health insurance benefits to domestic partners of its gay and lesbian workers and protecting the city’s domestic partner registry.

By 55% to 41%, New Jersey likely voters say gay couples should be able to marry, according to Zogby Poll released today; the margin among Independent voters is an even bigger 60% to 36%

(Utica, NY) – By a 55%-to-41% margin, likely voters in New Jersey say that gay couples should be able to marry, according to a recent telephone survey conducted by Zogby International. The survey of 803 likely voters, commissioned by the New Jersey chapters of PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), was conducted July 15-19, and has a margin of error of +/- 3.6%. The survey comes as the lawsuit to let New Jersey gay couples marry, filed last year by Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, makes its way through state courts.

Lambda Legal Files Federal Discrimination Complaint On Behalf of Stroke Victim Who Was Denied Care by 6 Louisiana Nursing Homes Because He Has HIV

(Dallas, July 23, 2003)- Arguing that six Louisiana nursing homes violated federal law by refusing to care for a stroke victim because he also has HIV, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund will file a federal discrimination complaint against the homes today.

Cirque du Soleil Unlawfully Denied Gymnast Dream Job Because He Has HIV, Lambda Legal Says in Federal Discrimination Complaint

(Los Angeles, July 15, 2003) - Arguing that Cirque du Soleil violated state and federal laws by denying a highly qualified gymnast an integral part in its “Mystere” show this spring, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund filed a federal discrimination complaint against the company in Los Angeles today.

Lambda Legal Files Lawsuit Today on Behalf of Students at Lubbock High School Barred from Forming Gay Straight Alliance Group

(Lubbock,Texas, July 8, 2003) In court papers filed today, Lambda Legal is suing Lubbock Independent School District for barring students from forming a Gay Straight Alliance on campus and recognizing it as a legitimate school club.

Landmark Ruling for Gay Civil Rights: U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas 'Homosexual Conduct' Law

(Washington, Thursday, June 26, 2003) - In the most significant ruling ever for lesbian and gay Americans’ civil rights, the U.S. Supreme Court today struck down Texas's "Homosexual Conduct” law, which criminalizes oral and anal sex by consenting gay couples and is used widely to justify discrimination against lesbians and gay men.

U.S. Dept. of Justice Gay Employee Group Honors Lambda Legal Tomorrow at Event that Was Banned from Agency Headquarters

(Washington, DC -- Thursday, June 19, 2003) Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund will receive an award tomorrow at an annual gay pride event held by U.S. Dept. of Justice employees -- capping two weeks of controversy over a policy change blocking the group from meeting at the agency’s headquarters even though other employee associations can continue holding similar events.
