Lambda Legal and Noble Street Charter School in Chicago Jointly Announce Agreement: Gay Straight Alliance Will Have Full Support

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GSA will have equal access to facilities on campus.
June 7, 2006

(Chicago, June 7, 2006) — Today students belonging to the Noble Street Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) and Noble Street Charter School filed a settlement agreement in federal court, ending the students’ lawsuit brought by Lambda Legal and establishing equal treatment of their school club.

“We are very excited to know that Jorge and Heather will be able to invite all students to attend meetings of the GSA they founded before graduating,” said James Madigan, Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal’s Midwest Regional Office in Chicago. “Now the students participating in the GSA will be able to fulfill their mission of having a club ’to promote awareness, safety, respect, and tolerance of all sexual orientations in a non-judgmental environment.’”

“This agreement now clearly establishes policies for all non-curriculum based student groups at Noble Street campuses,” said Michael Milkie, School Superintendent. “Noble Street Charter School places great importance on providing a safe and inclusive environment for all of our students.” Noble Street Charter School, since its beginning, through a student AIDS Action Club, has been supportive of the AIDS Marathon, AIDS Ride, and Day Without Art, among many other efforts.

The settlement agreement, the terms of which will be honored by all schools participating in the Noble Street Network, ensures that for at least the next three years, the GSA will:

  • Be able to advertise their meetings across campus
  • Continue to have access to classrooms in the High School for meetings and events
  • Have the opportunity to hold fundraising activities and engage in community service
  • Be included in the High School yearbook

Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit on behalf of the GSA’s founding students, Jorge Mena and Heather Hall, in federal court on April 18, 2006 to asserts the students’ rights under the First Amendment and the Equal Access Act, which states that secondary schools that receive federal funds and allow non-curricular student groups to meet on campus are prohibited from discriminating against any group based on its viewpoint. The GSA had been meeting unofficially and unadvertised at the school over the course of the school year.

The case is Noble Street Gay Straight Alliance v. Noble Network of Charter Schools. James Madigan, Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal’s Midwest Regional Office in Chicago, is handling the case. He is joined by cooperating attorneys Marie Lona and Eric Broxterman at Winston & Strawn LLP. Noble Street Charter School is represented by John Relias and Anne Wilson Lokken of Franczek Sullivan P.C.


Contacts: Jackie Yodashkin, Lambda Legal: 212-809-8585 ext. 229
Michael Milkie, Superintendent of Noble Network of Charter Schools: 773-862-1449

Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

Noble Street Charter School is committed to prepare Chicago’s youth to function successfully in our society through: dedication to educational excellence, civic responsibility and respect for their community, the environment and people from all walks of life.


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