Lambda Legal Applauds Introduction of Ordinance Amendment to Preserve Domestic Partner Benefits in Chicago
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(Chicago, IL June 11, 2008) — Lambda Legal issued the following statement today concerning the introduction by Alderman Tom Tunney of a proposed amendment to the Chicago domestic partnership ordinance that will preserve benefits for city employees who marry their same-sex partners in other states or countries.
Statement from Jim Madigan, Staff Attorney in the Midwest Regional Office of Lambda Legal:
"As couples travel to other states and countries to get married, we must be sure that they don't lose their employment benefits here in Chicago. The City ordinance was originally written to preclude married employees from improperly trying to add a different person as a domestic partner to their health plan. The assumption was that one couldn't be married to a same-sex partner. Now that same-sex couples are able to legally marry one another in other jurisdictions, the City needed to update its language.
"Marriages of same-sex couples are not recognized in many states, including Illinois, which led employers such as the City of Chicago to adopt policies that allow them to have health insurance for their families. Alderman Tunney's proposed amendment clarifies that if a city employee marries a same-sex partner in another jurisdiction, the partner will not lose medical coverage. Lambda Legal supports Alderman Tunney's efforts to ensure that same-sex couples don't inadvertently lose the employment benefits on which they rely."
Contact: Erin Baer 212-809-8585 ext 267; Email: ebaer@lambdalegal.org