Lambda Legal to Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Rep. John Boehner: Approve Revisions to Americans With Disabilities Act
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(New York, NY June 23, 2008) — In letters submitted to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Rep. John Boehner, House Republican Leader, Lambda Legal urges the House of Representatives to pass H.R. 3195 the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, a bill that clarifies the definition of what qualifies as a disability, to cover anyone who faces unfair discrimination because of a disability.
"Unfortunately, the Supreme Court and lower courts have narrowed the definition of disability and have limited the protections that the ADA provides," said Bebe Anderson, HIV Project Director at Lambda Legal. "This bill makes it clear that people with HIV are protected from being discriminated against because they have HIV, consistent with the purposes of the ADA."
The bill has broad bi-partisan support, as well as support from many leading disability, civil rights, and employer trade organizations. Its provisions more specifically outline the definition of disability and overturn Supreme Court decisions that caused some people with disabilities to lose protection under the law.
A floor vote in the House is expected soon. On June 18, 2008, the bill was approved unanimously by the House Judiciary Committee and by a 43 to 1 vote by the House Committee on Education and Labor.
Erin Baer 212-809-8585 ext. 267; Email: ebaer@lambdalegal.org