Lambda Legal Applauds Governor Paterson's Marriage Equality Bill
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(New York, April 16, 2009) — At a press conference today, Governor Paterson announced a marriage equality bill for consideration by the legislature, continuing his advocacy to secure the legal rights and responsibilities of marriage for same–sex couples in New York.
Statement from Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director at Lambda Legal:
"Lambda Legal's victory in the Iowa marriage case and the veto override vote in Vermont have made it clear that it is time to end discrimination against same–sex couples nationwide. The door to equality is open — we hope that New York is ready to walk through it.
We are pleased to see progress as Governor Paterson continues to be an outspoken leader for marriage equality for same–sex couples living in New York.
In New York, the stage is set: The State Assembly has passed a marriage equality bill in the past; the Governor is prepared to sign it; and both U.S. Senators from New York support marriage equality. It is time for the state Assembly and Senate to vote yes for equality, and finish the job. Until New Yorkers in same–sex relationships can marry in their home state, they are still vulnerable to discrimination — no matter how consistently the state upholds recognition of out–of–state marriages.
"New York is now bordered by four jurisdictions that provide marriage equality for same–sex couples: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, and Canada — which calls the question, 'Why are same-sex couples in New York forced to leave their home state to obtain protection for their relationships?'"
Contact: Erin Baer 212-809-8585 x267; Email: ebaer@lambdalegal.org