Celebrating Marriage Equality in New York
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This Sunday, New York City Pridefest falls on the one year anniversary of the historic passage of the Marriage Equality Act by the New York State Legislature.
Lambda Legal has a long and proud history fighting for the rights of same-sex couples and their families in New York State. When the bill passed, our Director of Constitutional Litigation Susan Sommer highlighted this history: "The path to equality in New York, like in other states, has had twists and turns. In 2004, Lambda Legal brought a marriage equality lawsuit in state court, and while we won an early victory at the trial court, that decision was later overturned. But we never stopped fighting for the rights of same-sex couples and their families in New York.”
On the first day of marriages in New York, Lambda Legal plantiffs Doug Robinson and Michael Elsasser were among the first same-sex couples to marry in Manhattan. This video shows their experience that historic day:
Don’t forget: You can volunteer with Lambda Legal at Harlem Pride this Saturday, June 23 or at NYC Pride on Sunday, June 24. Hope you can join us!