Illinois Marriage Law: Frequently Asked Questions
The Illinois legislature passed the “Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Marriage Fairness Act.” Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the new marriage law and about the recent court decision ordering the Cook County Clerk to immediately issue marriage licenses.
Please note: This document offers general information only and is not intended to provide guidance or legal advice regarding anyone’s specific situation. This is an evolving area of law in which there is bound to be uncertainty, and we will be working closely with Illinois attorneys to promote the best results. If you have additional questions, have encountered difficulty in obtaining appropriate recognition of your married status, or are looking for contact information for private attorneys who might advise you, contact Lambda Legal’s help desk at 866-542-8336 or legalhelpdesk@lambdalegal.org or the ACLU of Illinois at 312-201-9740 or www.aclu-il.org/about/requesting-legal-assistance/