Marriage Returns to California!
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The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today lifted the stay on its ruling declaring the discriminatory Proposition 8 unconstitutional, clearing the way for same-sex couples to begin marrying in California.
"We are thrilled! This is a wonderful day for same-sex couples in California," said Legal Director Jon W. Davidson. "Already, couples are lining up outside courthouses across the state. With this quick action, Prop 8 is gone and with it an ugly effort to exclude same-sex couples from the joys of marriage. Let the wedding bells ring!
"This has been a long battle in this state, and Lambda Legal has been proud to fight for same-sex couples and their freedom to marry for years, including the first historic victory in 2008. We are so delighted finally to see this day. Congratulations to Kris Perry and Sandy Stier and to Paul Katami and Jeff Zarrillo, who we understand are marrying this afternoon, and to all the other couples who are soon to wed."
The Ninth Circuit action follows the historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling Wednesday that the proponents of Prop 8 lacked legal standing to appeal the U.S. District Court ruling in Hollingsworth v. Perry striking down the amendment as unconstitutional. The Ninth Circuit had affirmed that ruling, but issued a stay pending the Supreme Court decision.
Click here to read Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in California, a FAQ document by Lambda Legal, Equality California, the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights.
Read the press release.