Lambda Legal Mourns the Passing of Iowa Marriage Plaintiff Larry Hoch
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(October 24, 2016, New York) – Lawrence “Larry” Hoch, 74, passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, October 22. Larry and his husband David Twombley were plaintiffs in Lambda Legal’s landmark victory winning marriage in Iowa. Camilla Taylor, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal and the architect of the Iowa case issued the following statement upon hearing of Larry’s passing:
“Our hearts are heavy at the loss of a kind-hearted and courageous soul who fought for the right to marry the love of his life, David. Larry and David stepped forward to ask the state of Iowa to marry them at a time when only one state in the country—Massachusetts—permitted same-sex couples to marry. Seniors who had found each other and fallen in love relatively late in life, their love for each other and faith in their fellow Iowans gave them the courage to demand respect for their relationship.
We offer our deepest condolences to David and the rest of Larry’s family and loved ones during this sad time. Larry and David’s love for and commitment to one another helped demonstrate to the Court and the country that love is love, and love deserves celebration, not fear. Anyone who met them was struck by the kindness, mutual respect, and humor that underlay their relationship to each other, and came away understanding that love knows no age. Together, Larry and David openly shared their love story with Iowans and people across the country—changing hearts and minds along the way. We owe them so much.
A teacher by trade, Larry taught us the importance of living our truth – with pride and dignity. For this and for so much more, he will be remembered and missed. Thank you Larry.”
Read Larry’s Obituary here: http://www.ilesfuneralhomes.com/obituary/Lawrence-Larry-Booth-Hoch/Urban...
About Varnum v. Brien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc2m7yWQsQA
Contact Info
Graciela Gonzalez 312-545-8140; ggonzalez@lambdalegal.org
Lisa Hardaway 973-902-9298; lhardaway@lambdalegal.org