Lambda Legal Applauds Rep. Ellison’s Resolution Calling for Better Policies To Protect Transgender Americans
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Washington, DC – Lambda Legal today applauded U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison for introducing a House Resolution that calls for increased attention to the violence and discrimination faced by transgender women of color and the creation of better policies and practices to protect transgender Americans.
“For Congress, the first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging that there is one, and Rep. Ellison’s leadership today on officially recognizing the fatal violence and other challenges faced by transgender women of color is a good start to a lot of important work ahead,” said Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal’s Director of Strategy. “We’ve already lost 21 of our transgender sisters this year, after losing at least 21 last year. Something must be done to stop this violence that is so targeted and disproportionally impacts transgender women of color.
“The needs of transgender people and the epidemic of transgender violence warrant this level of attention from the highest levels of government,” continued McGowan. “Lambda Legal commends Rep. Ellison for using his powerful voice and position to lift up this issue and give it the attention it deserves, which is long overdue. We are committed to protecting all LGBT people from attacks like these, and will continue to work and fight alongside leaders on these issues, like Rep. Ellison.”
In his Resolution, Rep. Ellison acknowledges how transgender women of color are disproportionally and negatively impacted by discrimination in areas such as education, employment, housing, and incarceration, and suffer high rates of homelessness. The resolution “encourages the development of policies that support transgender women of color and the transgender community,” writ large, and outlines 12 areas where policies should be developed to achieve a fairer and less violent society.
“Because of persistent racism and sexism, life is harder for women of color in our country,” said Representative Keith Ellison. “That’s especially true for trans women of color, who face even more barriers to the employment, education and housing we all need to live safe and healthy lives. I’ve introduced this resolution simply because I want us to be a nation in which all people, regardless of their race, sex, gender identity, or religious affiliation should worry if they will their life taken simply because of who they are.”
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Tom Zigo, tom@precisionstrategies.com