Lambda Legal Demands Senate Halt Kavanaugh Nomination Process and Asks Senators to Join the Call to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations
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(Washington, DC – Sept. 16, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:
“Nearly twenty-seven years ago, Anita Hill was vilified for coming forward to tell her story. History must not repeat itself in 2018. Dr. Ford must be treated with the dignity and respect that was not afforded to Ms. Hill.
“The deeply disturbing allegations demand a thorough investigation. We are pleased that a number of Senators from both parties have recognized that the Senate has an obligation to the country to delay any further consideration of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court until such an investigation can take place. This should not be a partisan issue. At this moment, Republicans and Democrats – men and women alike – have an opportunity to do more than just talk about their commitment to taking issues of sexual assault seriously. Now is their opportunity to take concrete action to back up those words.
“This nomination process has already been tainted by the failure to disclose key information in Brett Kavanaugh’s record, and by the nominee’s apparent inability to provide truthful testimony under oath about his prior actions and his views on issues of critical importance to millions of people. Moving ahead with this nomination before these serious allegations can be investigated will do lasting and irreparable damage to the credibility of the Supreme Court and the U.S. Senate. It is not too late, but in order to avoid this catastrophic outcome, men and women in the Senate must put integrity and principle above partisanship.”
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Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.