Take Action to Protect Indiana Families - Say No to HJR-6!
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As early as January 6, the Indiana legislature may consider passing HJR-6, which would place on the November 2014 ballot an amendment to enshrine in the Indiana Constitution a ban on the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. Banning protections for same-sex couples and their families is not good for Indiana and does not reflect the family values of love and respect that the Hoosier state should pursue.
Freedom Indiana is on the ground mobilizing communities, businesses, churches and people like you to make sure that the values of love and respect win the day. Lambda Legal is proud to support the effort to defeat HJR-6 - and your help is needed to get the message out!
You can make a difference by writing letters, helping out on phone banks, and making sure your elected leaders take a stand against this hateful resolution.