Lambda Legal Applauds Confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General
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After a protracted confirmation process, the U.S. Senate today confirmed Loretta E. Lynch as U.S. Attorney General. Ms. Lynch will succeed Eric Holder, whose firm stance against discriminatory laws targeting LGBT individuals and people living with HIV drew the praise and appreciation of many within the movement.
We look forward to working with Attorney General Lynch and congratulate her on her confirmation as this nation’s leading law enforcement officer. She has demonstrated throughout her career a keen appreciation of right and wrong and understanding of the rights and protections contained within the U.S. Constitution.
We also look forward to a productive relationship with Attorney General Lynch to continue the impressive work of her predecessor, Eric Holder, in advancing the cause of full equality for all across the land. Attorney General Holder established his place in history as a leader in the pursuit of civil rights and justice for people in many communities in our country, including LGBT people and people living with HIV. He refused to defend the mean-spirited and harmful so-called Defense of Marriage Act and in fact helped to bring it down and put the Department of Justice firmly on the right side of history. We are optimistic that the new attorney general will do likewise and continue to protect and advance the civil rights of LGBT individuals and couples and their families, and people living with HIV.
Ms. Lynch most recently served as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York where she oversaw all federal criminal and civil investigations and cases in Brooklyn, Staten Island, along with Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island. Ms. Lynch has been practicing law for over twenty years and began her career in the Eastern District. She previously served as U.S. Attorney during the Clinton administration for the same district.