Lambda Legal Launches Marriage Tracker, an Online Reporting Website for Same-Sex Couples
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Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s sweeping decision on Friday ushering in marriage in all 50 states, Lambda Legal has introduced a new resource, the Marriage Tracker. The platform allows same-sex couples and families to report issues they have encountered while seeking a marriage license or recognition of their marriage by businesses, employers, insurers, or state or local authorities.
Camilla Taylor, Director of Lambda Legal’s National Marriage Project, said:
We know that any Supreme Court decision, no matter how sweeping an affirmation of our humanity and equal liberty, is never the end of a civil rights struggle. While the Supreme Court ruled Friday that states cannot deny same-sex couples the fundamental right to marry, and that these couples and their families are entitled to equal dignity, we recognize that our fight is far from finished—even with respect to our marriage work. Some public and private entities will try to resist this ruling. Lambda Legal will continue to advocate for couples and families who have trouble obtaining a marriage license, and are facing discrimination based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or marriage status.
If you can’t get respect for your marriage from a government employee, employer, health care provider, your child’s school, or in any other context, we want to hear from you. If you and your spouse are denied the ability to do a step-parent adoption, or your child is denied an accurate two-parent birth certificate, we want to hear from you. If someone refuses to serve you because of who you are, we want to hear from you.
The Marriage Tracker is the second resource introduced by the organization following the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down discriminatory state bans on marriage for same-sex couples in Obergefell v. Hodges.
On Friday Lambda Legal joined five LGBT advocacy organizations to launch a joint website, MarriageEqualityFacts.org, to provide answers to same-sex couples and their families as they navigate accessing the rights, benefits, and protections that marriage affords.