A Call to Action for the LGBT Community on HIV/AIDS
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We could not let National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day pass this year without pointing out the pressing need for the LGBT community to re-engage on the issue of HIV/AIDS in this country.
While new infections have started to decline in most other populations in recent years, infection rates among gay men—particularly young gay men of color—are on the rise again, with men who have sex with men (MSM) accounting for 63% of all new infections in the United States.
While HIV is not (and never was) strictly a “gay disease,” it is—and always will be—a health condition on which the LGBT community needs to remain focused until it is no longer taking lives. From a call to action endorsed by Lambda Legal’s Executive Director, Kevin Cathcart, to a demand that LGBT legal advocates place HIV squarely back on the agenda, Lambda Legal is asking everyone in the communities we serve to re-commit to the fight against HIV and the stigma that fuels this continuing epidemic.
We have only made it this far by standing together, and we will only reach an AIDS-free generation if we continue to work together. Know your status, learn what it is like to live with HIV today (not 20 years ago), take responsibility for your own sexual health, and let’s take care of each other, as a community.
That is how we started this battle against HIV/AIDS, and that is how we will end it!
Learn more about Lambda Legal’s work on HIV.