New Transgender Rights Fact Sheets on Seniors and Youth
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Lambda Legal announces the publication of two new transgender rights fact sheets, "Survival Tips for Trans Youth" and "Trans Aging: We're Still Here!" They are the latest additions to Lambda Legal's ongoing transgender toolkit project and provide vital information to the transgender community.
"Survival Tips for Trans Youth" focuses on common legal issues and obstacles faced by transgender youth. It answers questions such as "How do I find a safe place to live?" and "How do I get trans-affirming healthcare?" "Survival Tips for Trans Youth" devotes much of its time to issues of discrimination and harassment that transgender youth often face. The fact sheet also publicizes the Lambda Legal LGBT teen hotline, which can be reached at 1-866-LGBTeen (1-866-542-8336).
"Trans Aging: We're Still Here!" focuses on transgender seniors. Nearly one-fifth of transgender adults report being refused care by medical providers, so this fact sheet focuses on access to such care. The fact sheet also highlights legal protections for transgender adults against discimination in health care and housing.
These two fact sheets are the latest inserts in Lambda Legal's transgender rights toolkit series, covering issues from workplace fairness to transition-related healthcare. To view the other titles, visit http://www.lambdalegal.org/publications/trans-toolkit.
To learn more about some of Lambda Legal's ongoing transgender rights lawsuits, check out the Lopez Berera v. Holder, Doe v. Jindal and Esquivel v. Oregon case pages.