Teleconference: Marriage at the Supreme Court
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Any day now, the Supreme Court will announce decisions in both the Perry (Prop 8) and Windsor (DOMA) challenges. For all of us at Lambda Legal and for everyone who cares about true equality for LGBT people, this day will be historic.
In order to provide our community with the most up-to-date information, Lambda Legal will be hosting a 45-minute "Decision Day" Teleconference at 5:00pm ET on the day of any decision. Our expert lawyers will review the Supreme Court's decision and provide as much analysis as possible.
RSVP for the "Decision Day" Teleconference Today
When: 5:00pm ET the day of any SCOTUS decision
Where: Your Telephone
Dial-in and call instructions will be sent at 2:00pm ET the day of the call. RSVP today to ensure you receive the information.
Learn more about the marriage cases at the Supreme Court.