For many transgender people, a name change is one of the most important steps toward matching their legal documents with their gender identity. Though there are few exceptions under which a court can deny someone the right to a name change, being transgender is not one of them.
My daughter recently came out as lesbian, and while I was shocked at first, I want to be there for her and be supportive. But to be honest, I don’t know where to start, or what the best resources are for more information. There is so much online, and I’m not sure what to trust. What do you recommend?
I’m a queer/LGBTQ student, and I’ve been out at school for a little while. My school’s Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) wants to participate in GLSEN’s upcoming National Day of Silence and we’ve been looking forward to having a lot of people join us. Most of the teachers and students are encouraging, but we’ve run into some issues when we try to advertise and participate in the Day of Silence. What can we do?
No employer gets to impose their sex stereotypes on their employees. And that protection does not stop at the restroom door. Access to appropriate restrooms is an essential element of all workplaces, and one most of us take for granted.
Q: I am a gay man who recently came out and am interested in volunteering in the movement. Lambda Legal has done a lot of work for LGBT people, including the fight for marriage equality. I know marriage was important, but not the whole battle, and wonder what’s next for the LGBT movement?
Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of natural bodily variations. Intersex people are born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of bodies designated “male” or “female.” In some cases, intersex traits are visible at birth, while in others they are not apparent until puberty. Some intersex variations may not be visibly apparent at all.
Going back to school is tough. Readjusting to a packed schedule, extra-curricular activities and new friends can be a source of stress for anyone, but using the correct bathroom should not be.