Lambda Legal is suing in federal court to challenge Nevada's constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples. We represent eight couples who are currently relegated to second-class status by their state constitution.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit today granted Lambda Legal's request to expedite the hearing of Sevcik v. Sandoval, its lawsuit challenging Nevada's discriminatory marriage ban.
Today Lambda Legal filed its opening brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a case on behalf of eight same-sex couples challenging the amendment to Nevada’s constitution and other state laws banning marriage for same-sex couples.
The U.S. Supreme Court today denied a request by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to review a U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that maintains family health coverage for lesbian and gay State employees.
Lambda Legal will oppose the move by the Coalition for the Protection of Marriage to have the Court weigh in on our lawsuit seeking the freedom to marry in Nevada.
"This is not the end of this fight,” says Staff Attorney Tara Borelli. “This entire decision rests on the ridiculous premise that a 'meaningful percentage of heterosexual persons' will decide not to get married if same-sex couples can.”
The California legal publication The Daily Journal has named Lambda Legal Staff Attorney Tara Borelli in its annual list of the state's 100 most influential lawyers.