Lambda Legal filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against a Boulder County property owner who violated the federal Fair Housing Act and the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act by refusing to rent a housing unit she owns in Gold Hill, Colorado, to a same-sex couple, one of whom is transgender, and their children because she worried their “uniqueness” would jeopardize her standing in the community.
Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday in support of the Texas abortion clinics, physicians who perform abortions and Texas women who need abortion services, who are challenging Texas’s unduly burdensome abortion regulations.
Lambda Legal file a friend-of-the-court brief in a New York State court appeal on behalf ofa lesbian couple against Liberty Ridge Farm, LLC for its refusal to rent their event facilities to the couple for their wedding. Liberty Ridge Farm’s owners, Cynthia and Robert Gifford, cited their religious beliefs to justify the denial.
Federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina on behalf of Melissa and Meredith Weiss, a married lesbian couple seeking birth certificates listing both mothers as parents of their two sons.
Case in which a Florida trial court entered an injunction prohibiting a non-biological mom, now separated from her former same-sex spouse, from seeing or contacting the couple’s daughter.
Case on behalf of a transgender man discriminated against by his federal employer because it denied health care coverage.
Lawsuit brought by an antigay legal group attempting to strip away Wisconsin's newly enacted domestic partnership registry for same-sex couples and their families.
Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of nine national HIV advocacy organizations in King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The brief focuses on the disparate impact that an adverse decision will have on people of color living with HIV in the states that have elected not to run their own health insurance exchange.
Lambda Legal filed a federal lawsuit on behalf Chelsea and Jessamy Torres, a married lesbian couple, seeking a birth certificate listing both mothers as parents of their son, born in March 2015.
The landmark case that helped bring equal marriage nationwide.
Lambda Legal joined the legal team representing a total of seven Louisiana same-sex couples and the Forum for Equality Louisiana, the state’s LGBT rights organization, in their appeal to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals of last month’s U.S. District Court ruling upholding Louisiana’s discriminatory marriage ban.