Moreau v. Qwest Communications, Inc.
Case charging Qwest Communications with failing to protect an employee from severe antigay harassment in the workplace
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Donald Moreau spent many years as a customer service representative at Qwest Communications. A model employee, he often received praise for his work from his supervisors. But he was subjected to severe antigay harassment by his coworkers. Despite reporting the abuse in accordance with the company’s policies, management did nothing to end the hostile work environment. Moreau filed a complaint with the Denver Antidiscrimination Office, and Qwest agreed to settle his claim by promising to provide sexual orientation diversity training to his workgroup. When Qwest failed to honor its promise, Moreau was forced to resign. Lambda Legal, along with CLIP, filed a lawsuit against Qwest. The controversy was resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties in April 2007.
Lambda Legal's Impact
Along with ensuring that LGBT people are treated fairly in the workplace, Lambda Legal is fighting to make sure that employers enforce their own antiharassment and antidiscrimination policies.
- May 2006 Lambda Legal joins a lawsuit previously filed by The Center’s Legal Initiative Project (CLIP) of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center of Colorado.