Barber v. Bryant

Lambda Legal joined Barber v. Bryant, the federal challenge to HB 1523, Mississippi’s discriminatory anti-LGBT legislation, which was brought by Mississippi civil rights attorney Robert McDuff and the Mississippi Center for Justice.
Read moreLambda Legal joined Barber v. Bryant, the federal challenge to HB 1523, Mississippi’s discriminatory anti-LGBT legislation, which was brought by Mississippi civil rights attorney Robert McDuff and the Mississippi Center for Justice. The case is consolidated with a similar case, Campaign for Southern Equality (CSE) v. Bryant, brought by attorney Roberta Kaplan on behalf of CSE and one individual plaintiff.
HB 1523 invites government officials and private businesses, individuals and some medical and social service agencies to discriminate against Mississippians based on religious and so-called “moral” objections to the existence of transgender people, marriages of same-sex couples and non-marital sexual relationships.
The 11 individuals and church that are plaintiffs in Barber v. Bryant comprise a broad cross-section of Mississippians harmed by HB 1523 – leaders of faith congregations in the state, LGBT residents and others impacted by the discriminatory law in their professional and personal lives. The lawsuit claims HB 1523 violates the Establishment and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution.