Lambda Legal, the ACLU, and the ACLU of Oklahoma have brought a legal challenge on behalf of three transgender students to S.B. 615, which bans all transgender students in Oklahoma from using school restrooms consistent with their gender identity.
Lambda Legal filed a complaint in United States District Court on behalf of Nikko Briteramos against the owner of a Los Angeles barbershop who refused to cut Briteramos’s hair because he is living with HIV.
Lambda Legal represented Brooke S.B. in her effort to continue to parent the six-year-old son she and her former partner, Elizabeth C.C., planned to have together.
Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Arizona Court of Appeals supporting the City of Phoenix in its defense against a challenge to its nondiscrimination ordinance. At issue is a suit by Brush & Nib, a business that offers printing and design services for special events, seeking to block the city law because they might be asked to provide their services to same-sex couple and they object on religious and free speech grounds to treating same-sex couples like other customers.
Lambda Legal case in which a legally married same-sex couple in Iowa gave birth to a stillborn baby and was issued a death certificate by the Iowa Department of Public Health with one of the mothers' names removed with correction fluid.
Amicus briefs to multiple federal courts of appeal and then the U.S. Supreme Court arguing against granting religious exemptions to for-profit companies from insurance coverage requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Lambda Legal and Sirianni Youtz Spoonemore Hamburger PLLC filed a federal lawsuit challenging Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois’s (“BCBSIL”) administration of a blanket exclusion of gender-affirming care in an employer-provided health insurance plan provided by Catholic Health Initiatives Franciscan.
Case brought against the city of Atlanta, the chief of police and individual officers for illegally searching, detaining and harassing staff and patrons of a gay bar.