Represented by Lambda Legal, Democracy Forward, and the Michigan State University College of Law’s Indian Law Clinic, two federally recognized Indian tribes, a California-based coalition of tribes, a foster youth and foster care alumni group, and three organizations that work with LGBTQ+ and two-spirit youth in foster care sued the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).
Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of North Carolina and Equality North Carolina filed a lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s sweeping anti-LGBT law, HB 2. The case, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina against North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, Attorney General Roy Cooper, and the University of North Carolina, is on behalf of two transgender North Carolinians, Joaquín Carcaño, a UNC-Chapel Hill employee, and Payton McGarry, a UNC-Greensboro student; Angela Gilmore, a lesbian and North Carolina Central University law professor; and the ACLU of North Carolina and Equality North Carolina.
Adoption and parenting case in which Catholic Charities sued Illinois to force the state to renew a contract for foster care services while excluding couples in civil unions from being eligible foster parents.
Case on behalf of Central Alabama Pride, a gay group that was denied its free speech rights when the Birmingham mayor refused to provide city resources to support for gay pride based on his religious beliefs.
Lambda Legal, the ACLU of Southern California, the Transgender Law Center, and O’Melveny & Myers LLP filed a request to intervene in a federal lawsuit to defend SB 132, a groundbreaking California law protecting incarcerated transgender people. Lambda Legal filed the request on behalf of the TGI Justice Project and four incarcerated transgender women.
Lawsuit brought by an antigay legal group attempting to strip away the City of Cleveland's newly enacted domestic partnership registry for same-sex couples and their families.
Amicus brief in support of challenge to Arkansas' Act 1, which prohibits unmarried individuals living with a sexual partner from adopting or fostering children.