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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Seeks to Join Appeal by Iowa Business that Denied Wedding Space to Same-Sex Couple

(Des Moines, IL, June 5, 2014) — Yesterday, Lambda Legal filed papers on behalf of Lee Stafford and Jared Ellars seeking to join an appeal between a Grimes, Iowa, commercial establishment that had refused to rent event space to them for their wedding and the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (ICRC).

Lambda Legal Applauds New York Birth Certificate Policy Change for Transgender People

(New York, June 5, 2014) — Today in reaction to the news that the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records has updated its policy guidelines for changing the gender designation on birth certificates for transgender people, Lambda Legal released the following statement by Dru Levasseur, Transgender Rights Project Director:

Lambda Legal Applauds Nomination of First Openly Lesbian Judge to Puerto Rico Supreme Court

(New York, June 4, 2014) — Today, Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro García Padilla nominated Maite Oronoz Rodríguez to the commonwealth’s highest court. Lambda Legal released the following statement from Staff Attorney Omar Gonzalez-Pagan:
"Maite Oronoz Rodríguez’s nomination makes judicial history. This is a significant step forward towards achieving a judiciary that reflects Puerto Rico’s full and rich diversity.

Lambda Legal celebra la designación de la primera juez lesbiana al Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico

(Nueva York, 4 de junio 2014) — En el día de hoy, el gobernador Alejandro García Padilla nominó a Maite Oronoz Rodríguez como juez asociada del más alto foro judicial de Puerto Rico. Lambda Legal emitió un comunicado de prensa por medio de su abogado, Lic. Omar González-Pagán:
"La nominación de Maite Oronoz Rodríguez representa un momento histórico para la judicatura en Puerto Rico.  Este es un paso significativo hacia una judicatura que refleje la amplia y abundante diversidad de Puerto Rico.

Lambda Legal Celebrates with Plaintiffs Jim Darby and Patrick Bova, Married After Five Decades in Love

(Chicago, IL, June 2,  2014) - Today, Jim Darby and Patrick Bova, lead plaintiffs in Lambda Legal's lawsuit seeking marriage for same-sex couples in Illinois, were married after over 50 years of love and commitment.

Camilla Taylor, Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal, and Jim Bennett, Midwest Regional Director for Lambda Legal, released the following statements to congratulate the couple:

Lambda Legal Elects New Members to Board of Directors and Appoints New Co-Chair

(New York, May 29, 2014) - Lambda Legal announced the election of new leaders to serve on its Board of Directors, including John Stafstrom, Chair of the Public Finance Department with Pullman & Comley, LLC; Rachel Goldberg, General Counsel of the Stamford, Connecticut Urban Redevelopment Commission; Kenneth Weissenberg, Tax Partner and Co-Chair of the Real Estate Services Group at EisnerAmper LLP; and Michelle Waites, Senior Patent Counsel at Xerox. Karen Dixon was also appointed to co-chair of the national board.

Lambda Legal Hails Good Day for New Jersey Court, But Remains Troubled by Process

(New York, May 21, 2014) Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced that  he will renominate Stuart Rabner as Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court and that the state Senate will then hold confirmation hearings to fill one of the two vacancies on the bench. This news comes after months of advocacy by legal and community organizations urging Gov. Christie to stop playing politics with the court, including a petition circulated by Lambda Legal, New Jersey-based legal organizations, citizens groups and unions and signed by 7,000 New Jerseyans.

Lambda Legal Launches Spanish Website and Dedicated Resource Page

(New York, NY, May 13, 2014) - Lambda Legal has announced the launch of its Spanish language website with resources built specifically for US Latinos and Spanish-speaking individuals.

Lambda Legal Anuncia Página de Información y Recursos en Español

(New York, NY, 13 de mayo de 2014) - Lambda Legal ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su página web en español con recursos creados específicamente para los latinos en los Estados Unidos y las personas que hablan español.

Lambda Legal Asks Alaska Court to Grant Same-Sex Partner Access to Survivor Benefits

(Anchorage, AK, May 13, 2014) – Lambda Legal urged the Alaska Supreme Court today to grant access to survivor benefits for Deborah Harris, the same-sex partner of Kerry Fadely, who was shot and killed in 2011 by a disgruntled former employee.
