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Press Releases

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Seventh Circuit Strikes Down Marriage Ban for Same-Sex Couples in Indiana and Wisconsin

(Chicago, IL) - In a unanimous 3-0 decision today, the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down discriminatory marriage bans for same-sex couples in Indiana and Wisconsin.

Lambda Legal Congratulates HIV Project Director Scott Schoettes on Appointment to Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

(Washington, D.C., September 3, 2014) - Lambda Legal is proud to announce that HIV Project Director Scott Schoettes has been appointed to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.

Lambda Legal Files Emergency Papers in Arizona Seeking Accurate Death Certificate for Husband of George Martinez

(Los Angeles September 3, 2014) — Today Lambda Legal filed emergency papers asking the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona to order the State of Arizona to provide an accurate death certificate to Fred McQuire for his husband, George Martinez, who passed away early Thursday morning.

Lambda Legal Launches “Know Your Rights At Work” for LGBT and HIV+ People

(New York, August 27, 2014) — As Labor Day approaches, Lambda Legal has launched its newest section of the Know Your Rights information hub.

Seventh Circuit Hears Oral Arguments Seeking Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Indiana and Wisconsin

(Chicago, IL, August 26, 2014) — The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in lawsuits seeking to strike down discriminatory marriage bans in Indiana and Wisconsin.

LGBT Bar Association Names Lambda Legal’s Peter Renn One of 2014’s Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40

(New York, August 25, 2014) – The National LGBT Bar Association has named Lambda Legal Western Regional Office Staff Attorney Peter Renn to its annual list of the Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40.

Lambda Legal Sues on Behalf of American Military Partner Association for VA Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses

(Washington D.C., August 19, 2014)— Lambda Legal and Morrison and Foerster LLP have filed suit against the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on behalf of the American Military Partner Association (“AMPA”) arguing that the denial of benefits to same-sex spouses of veterans living in states that refuse to recognize their marriages is in violation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision striking down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.

Lambda Legal Asks Court to Compel Arizona to Recognize Marriage of Gay Couple Battling Serious Illness

(Phoenix, AZ, August 15, 2014) — Today, Lambda Legal asked a federal court to compel the state of Arizona immediately to recognize the marriage of George Martinez and Fred McQuire, a gay couple from Green Valley who have been together for 45 years and were married last month in California after George was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer that has metastasized to his liver and was told that he only has months to live.

Lambda Legal Mourns the Loss of Michael Brown and Urges Swift Action

As people across the country gather for a National Moment of Silence for victims of police brutality tonight, Lambda Legal released the following statement from Executive Director, Kevin Cathcart:
“Our nation has witnessed another tragic death of an unarmed black teenager, shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday night. We mourn the loss of Michael Brown and offer condolences and strength to his family and loved ones.

Sixth Circuit Hears Arguments in Six Cases Seeking Recognition of Marriage and Adoption for Same-Sex Couples

(Cincinnati, OH, August 6, 2014) — Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in a federal lawsuit seeking to compel the State of Ohio to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples and issue accurate birth certificates listing both parents for the Ohio-born children of married same-sex couples.
