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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Sues Houston to Preserve Health Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses of City Employees

(Houston, December 26, 2013) — Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit against Houston Mayor Annise Parker and the City of Houston seeking to preserve spousal benefits, including health insurance, covering the same-sex spouses of city employees.

Court Certifies Lambda Legal Arizona Benefits Case as Class Action: Lawsuit Now Covers All Lesbian and Gay State Employees

(Phoenix, December 24, 2013) - The U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona yesterday certified as a class action Lambda Legal's lawsuit on behalf of lesbian and gay Arizona state employees fighting a move by the Arizona Legislature to eliminate health care coverage for their families.

Federal Court Denies Motion to Dismiss in Virginia Marriage Case

(RICHMOND, December 23, 2013) – A federal court denied a motion from the Staunton Circuit Court Clerk today seeking dismissal of a lawsuit challenging Virginia’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Hails New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

(Albuquerque, NM - December 19, 2013) - The New Mexico Supreme Court today ruled that denying same-sex couples the ability to marry violates the Equal Protection Clause of the New Mexico constitution. The ruling came in Greigo v. Oliver, a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of New Mexicoand the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

Camilla Taylor, National Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal, issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal and ACLU of Illinois Expedite Marriage for Same-sex Couples Facing Urgent Medical Circumstances

(Chicago, IL, December 16, 2013) — Today, a federal court ordered the Cook County Clerk's office to immediately issue marriage licenses to all Illinois same-sex couples who, because of a life-threatening illness, cannot wait until next summer to get married.

Lambda Legal Deplores India Supreme Court Ruling Recriminalizing Sexual Intimacy Between Same-Sex Adults

(Los Angeles, December 12, 2013) - This week, India's Supreme Court overturned an earlier ruling by the Delhi High Court that had decriminalized sexual intimacy between same-sex adults.

Lambda Legal Mourns the Passing of Nelson Mandela

(New York, December 5, 2013) — Kevin Cathcart, Lambda Legal Executive Director, made the following statement:

"Lambda Legal joins others around the world in mourning the loss of Nelson Mandela, one of the 20th century's giants in the struggle for justice and human dignity. Every one of us who continues the fight for equality and civil rights in our own communities labors in the shadows of this man who withstood imprisonment as a consequence of his courageous leadership and grew only stronger, more resolute and more dignified.

Lambda Legal Applauds Federal Resolution Opposing 'Ex-Gay Therapy' for Youth

(New York, December 4, 2013) - U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier today introduced the Stop Harming Our Kids Resolution (SHOK), a federal resolution supporting efforts to stop mental health providers from using dangerous efforts to change sexual orientation or gender identity - sometimes referred to as "ex-gay therapy," "conversion therapy" or  "reparative therapy" - with minors. Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director of Lambda Legal released the following statement:

Lambda Legal Victory: New York Landlord Adds Same-Sex Spouse to Lease

(New York, November , 2013) - Today, Lambda Legal announced that Weinreb Management, a New York City-based management company, has complied with state and city law and added lesbian tenant Dava Weinstein's spouse, Dorothy Calvani, to her rent-stabilized lease.

Lambda Legal Announces Eden/Rushing Chair

(New York, December 3, 2013) - Today Lambda Legal announced, in conjunction with the estates of Dr. John Eden and Mr. Robert Rushing, that its Legal Director position has become the Eden/Rushing Chair in honor of the couple's long-standing commitment to Lambda Legal's work. This marks the first time a position in the organization has been named.
