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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Sues After Cab Driver Kicks Out Gay Couple for Exchanging a Kiss

(Chicago, IL, October 28, 2013) - Today, Lambda Legal filed a complaint on behalf of Steven White and Matthew McCrea, a gay couple who were unlawfully refused service and forced to exit a Sun Taxi operated taxi-cab after they exchanged a kiss.   

Wisconsin Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Lambda Legal Domestic Partnership Case

(Madison, WI, Wednesday, October 23, 2013) -- Today Lambda Legal presented oral arguments on behalf of Fair Wisconsin and five same-sex couples in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, asking the court to uphold the state’s domestic partnership law as constitutional.

Lambda Legal Appeals Conviction of HIV-Positive Man to Iowa Supreme Court

(Des Moines, IA, October 22, 2013) — Today Lambda Legal filed an appeal in the Iowa Supreme Court of the conviction of Nick Rhoades, an HIV-positive Iowan who was initially sentenced to 25 years in prison and required to register as a sex offender based on a one-time sexual encounter with another man during which they used a condom.

New Jersey Abandons Appeal of Marriage Case

(New York, October 21, 2013) – The State of New Jersey announced this morning that it is abandoning the State’s appeal of the decision issued by the New Jersey Superior Court that same-sex couples in New Jersey must be allowed to marry. Marriages began at 12:01 a.m. this morning.

Lambda Legal Celebrates First Day Marriage in New Jersey

(New York, October 20, 2013) - In celebration of the first day same-sex couples can wed in New Jersey, Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director at Lambda Legal and lead attorney in the New Jersey marriage case.

Lambda Legal Appeals Nevada Marriage Lawsuit to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

(Las Vegas, October 18, 2013) – Today Lambda Legal filed its opening brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a case on behalf of eight same-sex couples challenging the amendment to Nevada’s constitution and other state laws banning marriage for same-sex couples.

Victory! NJ High Court Allows Marriages to Proceed in Lambda Legal Case

 (Trenton, October 18, 2013) - Today the New Jersey Supreme Court, agreeing with the lower court's Sept. 27th ruling, denied the State's motion to postpone allowing same-sex couples to marry. Lambda Legal had filed a brief on behalf of Garden State Equality, New Jersey's statewide LGBT advocacy organization, and six same-sex couples who seek the freedom to marry, asking the Court to deny the motion for a stay.

In today's decision, the Court wrote:

Lambda Legal Urges Alaska Supreme Court to Allow Same-Sex Couples Access to Survivor Benefits

(Anchorage, AK, October 14, 2013) – Lambda Legal filed a brief with the Alaska Supreme Court asking the Court to hold that it is unconstitutional to deny survivor benefits to Deborah Harris, whose same-sex partner, Kerry Fadely, was shot and killed in 2011 by a disgruntled former employee.

New Jersey Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Marriage Case

(Trenton, October 11, 2013) - Today the New Jersey Supreme Court announced it would hear both the merits of the marriage case as well as the appeal on the stay motion.

Victory! NJ Court Allows Marriages to Proceed in Lambda Legal’s Case

(Trenton, October 10, 2013) — Today the New Jersey Superior Court denied the State’s motion to stay the September 27th ruling allowing same-sex couples to marry.
