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Press Releases

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Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Case Challenging California's Discriminatory Prop 8

(Washington, March 26, 2013) – The U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral arguments in Hollingsworth v. Perry, the case challenging California's antigay Proposition 8.  Lambda Legal's Jon Davidson, Legal Director, and Jennifer Pizer, Law and Policy Director, attended oral arguments at the Court today and issued the following statements:

Lambda Legal Applauds As Colorado Passes Civil Union Bill

(Denver, CO, March 11, 2013) – Today, the Colorado House of Representatives passed the Colorado Civil Union Act, granting same-sex couples access to the range of rights, protections and obligations enjoyed by married couples under Colorado law. The bill was approved earlier this month by the State Senate, and Gov. John Hickenlooper has stated he will sign the measure when it comes to his desk.  It will go into effect on May 1, 2013. Lambda Legal's Law and Policy Project Director Jennifer Pizer issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Urges Puerto Rico's Supreme Court to Grant Second-Parent Adoption to Lesbian and Gay Parents

(New York, March 7, 2013) — Today, Lambda Legal and Fundación Artículo II filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Puerto Rico's Supreme Court urging the Court to reconsider and reverse its erroneous February 20 ruling in Matter of A.A.R., and either grant a second-parent adoption to a lesbian couple or hold their case until the federal Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California's Proposition 8.

Discrimination the “Very Purpose” of DOMA, Lambda Legal and GLAD Argue in Supreme Court Brief

(Washington, DC, March 1, 2013) -- Lambda Legal and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) today submitted a friend-of-the-court brief in U.S. v. Windsor urging the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm the decision by the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals declaring Section 3 of the federal so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional.

Prop 8 "Literally" Violates Constitution, Lambda Legal & GLAD Argue in Supreme Court Brief

(Washington, DC, February 28, 2013) – Lambda Legal and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) today submitted a friend-of-the-court brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry urging the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm the historic decision by the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declaring California's discriminatory Proposition 8 unconstitutional.

Lambda Legal Urges Ninth Circuit to Uphold Law Banning ‘Ex-gay Therapy’ for California Minors

(San Francisco, CA, February 4, 2013) –Lambda Legal, representing twelve regional and national organizations working with LGBT youth, filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today urging the court to uphold the California law prohibiting state-licensed mental health providers from using dangerous efforts to change sexual orientation – sometimes referred to as "ex-gay therapy" – with minors.

State of Oregon Agrees to Remove Gender Identity Exclusion for Transgender Employees From State Health Plan

(Portland, January 17, 2013) - Lambda Legal today announced that the State of Oregon has changed an employee health care policy to remove all language that denies coverage to transgender people for transition-related health care. The change came in response to a lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal and cooperating attorney Jennifer Middleton on behalf of Alec Esquivel. Alec was denied insurance coverage as a State employee for a medically necessary surgery because he is transgender. 

Integrity of Iowa Courts Persists, says Equality Groups

(Des Moines, IA, January 16, 2013) - Today, Iowa State Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady delivered the State of the Judiciary address in Des Moines. Together, this coalition has worked towards full equality for LGBT people and their families, have fought to preserve Iowa's proud tradition of fair and impartial courts, and have countered against any attempts to politicize our courts through public education and advocacy. In response to his remarks, equality groups One Iowa and Lambda Legal's Fair Courts Project issued the following statements:

Rahm Emanuel Signs Marriage Petition calling for the Freedom to Marry in Illinois

(Chicago, IL,January 16, 2013) - Today Lambda Legal announced that Rahm Emanuel has signed the ILove Marriage Petition. Lambda Legal released the following statement from James L. Bennett, Regional Director for the Midwest Regional Office of Lambda Legal:
