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LGBT Advocates Team Up for Marriage Equality in New Jersey; Lambda Legal Plans to File Motion

(Trenton, June 27, 2013) - A day after the Supreme Court's historic decision to strike down Section 3 of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Lambda Legal announced its plan to file a motion for summary judgment in New Jersey Superior Court on behalf of Garden State Equality and six same-sex couples.

Gov. Brewer Loses Latest Bid to Strip Benefits from Lesbian and Gay State Employees: Supreme Court Will Not Hear Her Appeal of Lambda Legal Case

(San Francisco, June 27, 2013, 2011) — The U.S. Supreme Court today denied a request by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to review a U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that maintains family health coverage for lesbian and gay State employees while the case seeking to permanently preserve the benefits works its way through the court system.

Nation’s Leading LGBT Advocacy Organizations Respond to Senate Bill, See Opportunities for Immigrants and Demand No More Punitive Measures

This statement can be attributed to the National Center for Lesbian Rights, GLAAD, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, United We Dream and Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project, GetEQUAL, Lambda Legal, National Center for Transgender Equality, Equality Federation and National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance.

Today, the Senate passed a bill with the potential to transform the lives of 11 million immigrants, including 267,000 LGBT immigrants.

After Demise of DOMA, Lambda Legal Plans Swift Action in New Jersey for Marriage Equality

(Trenton, June 26, 2013) — Today after the Supreme Court's historic decision to strike down Section 3 of the discriminatory federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Lambda Legal released the following statement from Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director of Lambda Legal and lead attorney in the New Jersey marriage equality lawsuit.

In Historic Rulings, Court Rejects Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples

(Washington, June 26, 2013) - In two profoundly important rulings today, the U.S. Supreme Court declared Section 3 of the federal, so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to be unconstitutional, and also found that the proponents of California's discriminatory Proposition 8 lacked legal standing to appeal a lower court ruling striking down the amendment.

National LGBT Advocacy Groups Issue Guide to Same-Sex Couples After Historic Ruling on DOMA

(New York, June 26, 2013) - In the wake of the US Supreme Court's historic decision to strike down Section Three of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 11 national LGBT advocacy organizations jointly issued a series of factsheets to provide guidance to same-sex couples and their families as they navigate accessing federal rights, benefits, and protections.

Lambda Legal and Equality Delaware Issue FAQ About Marriage for Delaware Same-Sex Couples

(Wilmington, June 25, 2013) — With Delaware's marriage law soon to take effect, Lambda Legal and Equality Delaware have released a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) guide for same-sex couples in Delaware who are considering getting married or have civil unions.

Supreme Court Upholds Use of Race in College Admissions; Lambda Legal Relieved

(New York, June 24, 2013) - Today, the Supreme Court upheld the use of race in undergraduate admissions decisions, while remanding the University of Texas at Austin (UT) case back to the lower courts to determine if UT's admissions process meets the demanding constitutional standard for use of race as a consideration.

Immigration Court Rules in Favor of HIV-Positive Man Facing Deportation after Solicitation Conviction

(Los Angeles, June 5, 2013) - The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) has vacated an Immigration Judge's ruling ordering the deportation of an HIV-positive immigrant convicted of solicitation for oral sex.

Thirty-Five LGBT and HIV Advocacy Groups Mark Pride Month with Joint Statement on HIV/AIDS

Washington, DC – As the nation marks the opening of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, executive directors from 35 LGBT and HIV/AIDS organizations from across the United States have released a joint letter committing themselves and their organizations to re-engaging the broader LGBT community in the fight against HIV. While issues like marriage equality and employment protections for LGBT workers have taken center stage, HIV continues to ravage the LGBT community.
