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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Joins Groups Urging Supreme Court to Uphold Ruling against Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law

(New York, March 28, 2012)—Yesterday, Lambda Legal and over 100 civil rights, faith and community organizations – including the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and League of United Latin American Citizens – filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Arizona v. United States, the State of Arizona’s appeal of a federal court decision enjoining key sections of SB1070. The brief argues that SB 1070 will lead to racial profiling, discrimination and anti-immigrant extremism.

Lambda Legal Congratulates Staff Attorney Flor Bermudez on Hispanic National Bar Association Award

(New York, March 27, 2012) - Flor Bermudez, Youth in Out of Home Care Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal, has been named a recipient of the Hispanic National Bar Association's (HNBA) 2012 Top Lawyers Under Forty Award. Bermudez was honored along with five other attorneys who are accomplished HNBA members under the age of 40 who have distinguished themselves as young Hispanic lawyers in the legal profession nationwide.

State of Iowa Continues to Deny Mothers of Stillborn Baby Accurate Death Certificate

(Des Moines, IA, March 27, 2012) — Today the Iowa Attorney General’s office filed court documents saying that the state will continue to refuse an accurate death certificate to Jenny and Jessica Buntemeyer, asserting that it was correct in erasing Jenny’s name. The Buntemeyers are a married Iowa couple seeking an accurate death certificate for their stillborn baby, Brayden.

Lambda Legal Reacts to Ravi Trial Verdict

(New York, March 16, 2012) —In response to the verdict in the Dharun Ravi trial, Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Lambda Legal Deputy Legal Director Hayley Gorenberg:

“This is a tragic story in which there can be no happy ending.  A young gay man took his own life, and other LGBTQ youth still live in a culture where they are too often made to feel fear and shame for simply being themselves.  This case has focused the nation on how critical it is that we ensure every young person can feel safe and proud.

Lambda Legal Gathers Over 130 HIV Advocacy Organizations to Support Affordable Care Act

(Chicago, IL, March 15, 2012) - Today Lambda Legal released a list of 130 HIV and health care advocacy and direct service organizations who have endorsed Lambda Legal's friend-of-the-court brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act. The United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in several cases challenging the constitutionality of the law the week of March 26, 2012.

Delaware Superior Court Issues Order Protecting Same-Sex Couple Under Civil Union Law

(Wilmington, March 14, 2012) - On Friday, a Delaware Superior Court in Wilmington issued a stipulated order that respects the private communications of a Delaware same-sex couple married in California prior to the effective date of Delaware's civil union law. Lambda Legal, Equality Delaware, and the ACLU Delaware, filed a friend-of-the-court brief in this lawsuit , where one of the men had charged his employer with sexual orientation discrimination, urging the court to recognize spousal privilege as one of the rights of same-sex couples under Delaware's newly enacted civil union law.

Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Discrimination Lawsuit against Tarrant County College Administrators

(Fort Worth, TX, March 12, 2012) – A U.S. District Court judge today denied a motion by Tarrant County College (TCC) administrators to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a former TCC professor who alleges that the administrators violated the U.S. Constitution by preventing her from interviewing for full-time teaching positions because of their belief that she is a lesbian.

Lambda Legal Urges New York High Court to Uphold Ruling on Law Protecting Public School Students

(New York, March 8, 2012)—In a friend-of-the-court brief submitted today in the New York Court of Appeals, Lambda Legal urged the state's highest court to uphold a lower court ruling that the New York Human Rights Law (NYHRL) protects public school students against discrimination and harassment. 

One Iowa, Lambda Legal, and Justice Not Politics Celebrate Three Iowa Supreme Court Justices' Profile in Courage National Honor

Des Moines, IAToday, it was announced that three Iowa Supreme Court Justices who were ousted in the 2010 judicial retention vote will receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in May. This is the highest and most prestigious award that can be bestowed upon public servants and was created to celebrate political courage.

Maryland Governor O’Malley Signs Marriage Equality Bill: Lambda Legal Celebrates

(New York, March 1, 2012) Today, Governor Martin O’Malley signed the Maryland marriage equality bill into law, adding the state to the growing list of U.S. jurisdictions granting marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin Cathcart made the following statement:

"It's a great day for equality in Maryland. The state is indeed stronger today with marriage equality for same-sex couples and their families.
