Lambda Legal Reacts to Ravi Trial Verdict
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(New York, March 16, 2012) —In response to the verdict in the Dharun Ravi trial, Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Lambda Legal Deputy Legal Director Hayley Gorenberg:
“This is a tragic story in which there can be no happy ending. A young gay man took his own life, and other LGBTQ youth still live in a culture where they are too often made to feel fear and shame for simply being themselves. This case has focused the nation on how critical it is that we ensure every young person can feel safe and proud.
“Hate crime laws are public statements that our government and our society recognize the deep wounds inflicted when violence is motivated by prejudice and hate. The actions of Dharun Ravi were inexcusable and surely added to Tyler Clementi’s vulnerability and pain. The verdict today demonstrates that the jurors understood that bias crimes do not require physical weapons like a knife in one's hand. But there is no sense of victory in this conviction - only a renewed urgency to do what we can to end prejudice and discrimination.
As this trial closes, let us each mark this day by rededicating ourselves to fighting discrimination and hate against LGBTQ youth--and to educating all of our youth about respect for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Contact Info
Lisa Hardaway: Office: 212-809-8585 x 266; Cell: 973-902-9298; Email: lhardaway@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.