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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal and ACLU Ready Lawsuit Following Veto of HB 444

Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawai`i (ACLU) reacted today with deep disappointment following Hawai`i Governor Linda Lingle's veto of HB 444, which would have allowed gay and straight Hawai`i couples to take legal responsibility for each other by entering civil unions. Having received strong majority votes by both houses of the Hawai`i Legislature, the bill was given final approval on April 29, the last day of the session. Lingle had until July 6 to take action on the bill.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Law School Non-Discrimination Policy: Lambda Legal Welcomes the Decision

Lambda Legal welcomed today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upholds a policy at a California law school that groups receiving campus funding must accept “all comers;” that is, not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation or other status or belief.

Lambda Legal Argues before Court to Block Elimination of Domestic Partner Benefits for Gay and Lesbian State Employees

(Phoenix, Arizona, June 28, 2010) — Lambda Legal today presented oral arguments in U.S. District Court in Phoenix to block a law stripping domestic partner benefits from gay and lesbian state employees. Arizona lawmakers included a provision eliminating domestic partner health benefits for gay state employees as part of a last-minute budget deal signed by Governor Jan Brewer last September, while retaining spousal health benefits for heterosexual workers.

Illinois Governor Quinn to Sign Antibullying Legislation; Lambda Legal Applauds

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn will sign into law SB 3266, the Prevent School Violence Act, a bill that covers bullying specifically targeted at students because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, among other categories. In response, Lambda Legal released the following statement from Christopher Clark, Senior Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago.

Lambda Legal Sends Analysis to Senate Judiciary Committee Prior to Kagan Hearings

(New York, June 25, 2010) — Today, Lambda Legal sent a letter to Senators Leahy and Sessions of the Senate Judiciary Committee expressing its views on two issues that may arise during Solicitor General Kagan's confirmation hearings and that directly affect the legal rights of LGBT people and people with HIV: ensuring the appropriate balance between enforcement of antidiscrimination laws and protections for religious freedom; and constitutional protections for the fundamental freedom to marry.

Excerpt from the letter on religious freedom and antidiscrimination laws:

UCLA-Lambda Legal Study Proves Strong Link Between Marriage Bans and Lack of Health Insurance for Gay and Lesbian Partners

A new study co-authored by Lambda Legal and the UCLA School of Public Health finds a close correlation between state and federal marriage discrimination against same-sex couples and disparities in health coverage between married heterosexuals and partnered gay men and lesbians.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Attempt by Antigay Group to Impose Secrecy on Petition Process; Lambda Legal Applauds Decision

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected 8-1 a claim in Doe v. Reed by backers of Washington State's Referendum 71 that releasing the names of people who sign petitions to get an initiative on the ballot exposes them to harassment and intimidation and thus violates their First Amendment right to free speech.

Obama Administration Expands Family Leave to LGBT Parents; Lambda Legal Applauds

The U.S. Labor Department's wage and hour division announced a rule clarification that allows LGBT workers to qualify for family leave to care for their nonbiological or nonadoptive children. In response to this announcement, Lambda Legal released the following statement from Greg Nevins, Supervising Senior Staff Attorney.

NY Senate Passes Anti-Bullying and Harassment Bill to Protect Students; Lambda Legal Urges Governor to Sign Bill Into Law

The New York Senate passed the "Dignity For All Students Act" that would clearly prohibit all bias-based bullying, including harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, in the state's public schools.

Lambda Legal Congratulates Legal Director Jon Davidson on Top Honor from National LGBT Bar Association

Jon Davidson, Legal Director for Lambda Legal, has been named the recipient of the National LGBT Bar Association's 2010 Dan Bradley Award.
