Obama Administration Expands Family Leave to LGBT Parents; Lambda Legal Applauds
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(New York, NY, June 23, 2010) — The U.S. Labor Department's wage and hour division announced a rule clarification that allows LGBT workers to qualify for family leave to care for their nonbiological or nonadoptive children. (Download the PDF.) In response to this announcement, Lambda Legal released the following statement from Greg Nevins, Supervising Senior Staff Attorney:
"In 1993, Congress realized that no worker should face the dilemma of having to choose between the welfare of a child and keeping a job. But this progress left out many of our families. Today's action brings an end to a terrible double standard and affirms the values of all parents that care for their children in the most trying times.
"The Obama Administration's expansion of family leave is a sign that federal policies are finally starting to catch up with the ways people in this country actually live their lives.
"Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act, people who work for a company with 50 or more employees are generally entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a newborn or for a spouse, son or daughter with 'a serious health condition.' This ruling allows LGBT parents to have the same rights as their co-workers.
"There are many American children with lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender parents. These children deserve the right to have both parents able to care for them when they are newborn, newly adopted or sick without risking employment and the financial security of the family."
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Contact: Jonathan Adams 212-809-8585 ext 267; jadams@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.