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Lambda Legal and Northwest Women???s Law Center File Lawsuit Seeking Full Marriage for Lesbian and Gay Couples in Washington State

(Seattle, Monday, March 8, 2004) - Lambda Legal and the Northwest Women’s Law Center filed a lawsuit today in state court in Seattle seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples in Washington State.

Lambda Legal Files Historic Lawsuit Seeking Full Marriage for Gay Couples in New York

(New York, Friday, March 5, 2004) -- Lambda Legal is filing a historic lawsuit in Manhattan today seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples statewide.

The case, on behalf of a gay couple who have been together for over five years, argues that denying marriage to same-sex couples violates the state Constitution’s guarantee of equality for all New Yorkers. The case is the first of its kind to be filed in New York since the Massachusetts high court ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to full marriage under that state’s Constitution.

Lambda Legal Vows Legal Action if Needed To Ensure Compliance With NY Attorney General's Order that Gay Couples Married Elsewhere Are Legally Married in NY

(New York, Wednesday, March 3, 2004) - The Attorney General of New York State said today that same-sex couples who validly married elsewhere are legally married throughout the state, and Lambda Legal vowed to take legal action if any local governments refuse to comply with the law.

Lambda Legal Targets 'Activist Judge' Distortion With Aggressive Multi-Faceted National Campaign

(Washington, Tuesday, March 2, 2004) - Saying that many recent gay-rights legal victories were decided by conservative judges, Lambda Legal today announced that it is launching a major national campaign to challenge claims that so-called “activist judges” make it necessary to pass a constitutional amendment banning marriages by same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Statement on Marriages of Same-Sex Couples in New Paltz, New York

Lambda Legal tonight issued the following statement on New Paltz, New York, Mayor Jason West's decision to begin performing marriages of same-sex couples on Friday, February 27. Mayor West will solemnize the marriages without marriage licenses being issued; according to Lambda Legal, state law allows marriages to be solemnized without marriage licenses being issued.

"New York law says that a marriage should not be void just because no license was issued. State courts have upheld that previously.

Lesbian and Gay Families and Lambda Legal Speak Out on the 'Real Impact on Real Lives' of Bush-Backed Federal Constitutional Amendment

(New York, Tuesday, February 24, 2004) - Lambda Legal said today that a proposed amendment to the federal Constitution that President Bush announced his support for this morning could take away critical rights and protections from hundreds of thousands of families nationwide and even block them from seeking such protections through the nation’s centuries-old democratic process.

Lambda Legal Advises Newly Married Same-Sex Couples And San Francisco Officials To Ignore Right-Wing Groups' Scare Tactic Claims that Marrying Is a Crime

(San Francisco, Thursday, February 19, 2004) - Lambda Legal today advised newly married same-sex couples and government officials issuing marriage licenses in San Francisco that antigay groups’ public statements threatening criminal action against them are groundless and should be ignored.

Lambda Legal Negotiates Settlement on Behalf of Gay Couple That Was Forced To Live Apart Because Of Discriminatory Policy, UPS Changes "Trailing Spouse" Benefit

(San Francisco, February 18, 2004) - Lambda Legal announced a settlement today between United Parcel Service and a gay couple who were forced to live apart for nine months because same-sex couples did not qualify for UPS’s “trailing spouse” policy, which allowed employees to relocate to another office when their spouse’s job forced a move. The lawsuit, filed in California state court last year by Lambda Legal on behalf of the couple, was dismissed today after the disputes between the parties were satisfactorily resolved.

Second Judge Refuses to Stop Same-Sex Couples Marrying in San Francisco, 'Clearly, There's No Emergency Here and Nobody Is Being Harmed by These Marriages,' Lambda Legal Says

(San Francisco, Monday, February 17, 2004) — Two separate state courts today rejected efforts to immediately stop same-sex couples from receiving marriage licenses from the City of San Francisco.
