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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Asks New York Court Today To Fast-Track Its Case Seeking Marriage Licenses for Gay and Lesbian Couples

“Today, we’re telling the court that this lawsuit focuses on clear questions of equality and fairness,” said Susan Sommer, Supervising Attorney at Lambda Legal, which served a motion for summary judgment in the case today. “Both sides in this case agree that a trial isn’t necessary. Couples in New York shouldn’t have to wait through a long legal process to get the protections they need - protections that only marriage can provide.”

Washington State Court To Hear Oral Arguments Tuesday, July 27, in Lambda Legal and NWWLC Case Seeking Marriage For Same-Sex Couples

(Seattle, Monday, July 26, 2004) - A Washington state court will hear oral arguments tomorrow, July 27, in a historic lawsuit seeking full marriage for same-sex couples in Washington state.

Lambda Legal Says House Bill That Would Block Gay Americans Out of the Justice System Is 'Patently Unconstitutional'

(New York, Wednesday, July 21, 2004) - Lambda Legal said today that legislation the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on Thursday is unconstitutional, since it singles out lesbian and gay Americans to block them out of the country’s justice system.

The legislation, H.R. 3313, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee last week and is scheduled for a vote in the full House on Thursday. It would prevent any federal court from hearing cross-state recognition challenges to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act.

Mothers Seek Legal Protection For The Child They're Raising; Lambda Legal Asks Appeals Court To Follow Ohio Law and Protect Lesbian Couple's Relationship With Their Child

(Cincinnati, July 12, 2004) - Lambda Legal will ask an Ohio appeals court Tuesday to follow state law and allow a lesbian couple to legally protect their relationship with the child they are raising together.

Armed with U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Sodomy Laws Nationwide, Lambda Legal Will Appeal the Solicitation of Sodomy Conviction of Virginia Beach Man Monday

(Virginia Beach, Virginia, July 9, 2004) -With court papers that will be filed Monday in the Virginia Court of Appeals, Lambda Legal will appeal the conviction of a man who was charged with solicitation of sodomy despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last summer that clearly struck down all remaining sodomy laws in the nation.

Top Three Car Insurance Companies in New York Will Respect Gay Couples' Marriages, Lambda Legal Confirms

(New York, July 6, 2004) - The three largest car insurance companies in New York - which, together, provide insurance to a third of all drivers in the state -- will respect the marriages of same-sex couples, providing them with the same rates and coverage as married heterosexual couples, Lambda Legal said today. In recent months, Lambda Legal has been working with couples throughout the state who were married in Canada to ensure that their marriages are fully respected.

Lambda Legal Files Lawsuit Against Foot Locker on Behalf of Gay Sales Clerk Who Was Harassed at Two Stores Then Fired, Despite Anti-Discrimination Policy

(Columbia, South Carolina, Tuesday, June 29, 2004) - Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit against Foot Locker, Inc., today in state court in Columbia on behalf of a former employee who was subjected to severe antigay harassment by coworkers and supervisors, at two different store locations and in front of customers, and ultimately fired.

Lawmakers, Clergy & Civil Rights Groups Urge Court to Rule in Favor of Marriage for Gay Couples; Case Will Be Heard in Seattle July 16

(Seattle, Thursday, June 24, 2004) - Six state legislators and a wide variety of religious organizations, civil rights groups and bar associations filed friend-of-the-court briefs today in support of marriage for same-sex couples in Washington State.

Lambda Legal and the Northwest Women’s Law Center filed a lawsuit in state court in March seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples. The briefs filed today urge the court to rule in favor of treating all couples equally.

Geico Car Insurance Inconsistently Recognizes Gay Couples Marriages; Lambda Legal Asks Insurer To Obey NY Law and Cover All Married Gay Couples Equally

(New York, June 14, 2004) - Lambda Legal today urged Geico Insurance Company of New York to comply with state law and respect valid marriages of all same-sex couples in determining car insurance rates and coverages. Over the past few months, Geico has recognized the marriages of some same-sex couples and denied recognition to others.
