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Tom Warnke – Media Relations Director


Samy Nemir – Public Information Officer


Tyleis Davidson – Public Information Officer


Jonathan Adams - Communications Director


Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Appeals to Senate to Vote No on Kavanaugh

“Lambda Legal continues to implore all Senators to listen to their consciences and vote 'no' when the final up-or-down vote occurs on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Every Senator must decide whether they will be able to look in the mirror every day after the final vote and know in their hearts that they have done what is right for the county.”

(Washington, DC – Oct. 5, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

Victory! Hawai`i Supreme Court Upholds Parenting Rights and Responsibilities of Married Same-Sex Couples

“The Court affirmed that marriage is marriage, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it. A child does not have fewer rights than other children simply because he has same-sex parents.”

(Honolulu, HI, October 5, 2018) – The Supreme Court of Hawai‘i yesterday affirmed a lower court ruling that, just like other spouses, same-sex spouses must be treated as the presumed parents of children born during their marriage, with equal rights and equal responsibilities, including legal parentage and child support.

Lambda Legal Urges Third Circuit to Uphold Ruling Protecting LGBTQ Foster Youth and Parents

“By seeking out a license to discriminate against same-sex couples, CSS harms the very children it purports to serve.”

Lambda Legal Disappointed by Collins Decision to Ignore Constituents to Join GOP Party Line

"By relying on fantasy instead of fact, and by putting party ahead of people, Senator Collins is apparently willing to ignore the overwhelming majority of Mainers who have urged her to oppose this nomination in order to avoid the ire of Republican Party bosses and the White House."

(Washington, DC – Oct. 5, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Dismayed by Manchin Decision to Ignore Constituents to Join GOP Party Line

"Senator Joe Manchin has failed the test of leadership presented to him today."

(Washington, DC – Oct. 5, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

California Superior Court Denies Motion to Dismiss in Lambda Legal HIV Program Data Breach Lawsuit

“These medications are life-saving for me, and I could only afford them through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. That does not mean, however, that I deserved to have my confidential medical information exposed publicly. With whom, when and how I share my HIV status is my right and my decision, and A.J. Boggs took both away from me.”

Lambda Legal Names Former Board Member Richard Burns as Interim CEO

“I have a long history with Lambda Legal and a deep commitment to its work. I’m delighted to join this team during such an important time in Lambda’s and our country’s history.”

(New York, October 4, 2018) – Today, Lambda Legal announced Richard Burns, former Lambda Legal board member and former executive director of the NYC LGBT Community Center, as interim CEO while it conducts a search for a permanent replacement for Rachel Tiven who resigned from the role in August.

Court Says N.C. Law Does Not Bar Transgender People from Public Facilities

Ruling Allows Lawsuit to Move Forward on H.B. 142’s Restrictions on Local Protections

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – A federal court last night said that House Bill 142, the 2017 law that replaced North Carolina’s notorious anti-LGBT measure, House Bill 2, does not bar transgender people from using public restrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity. U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder also said that he would allow a challenge to the law’s ban on local LGBT nondiscrimination policies to go forward.

Lambda Legal Launches National Billboard Campaign: "Religious Freedom Is No Excuse for Discrimination"

NEW YORK, NY (October 1, 2018) -- In the wake of efforts to weaponize the First Amendment in order to cloak discrimination in the mantle of freedom of religion, Lambda Legal today launched a national billboard campaign “No Excuse” underscoring that “religious freedom is no excuse for discrimination.” The first set of billboards were unveiled today at high-traffic locations in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City.

Lambda Legal Stands With Dr. Ford Who Bravely Came Forward to Share Private Experiences of Sexual Assault on National Stage

(Washington, DC – Sept. 27, 2018)  Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:
