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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Asks Senate to State Publicly That They Will Not Vote to Confirm Kavanaugh

(Washington, DC – Sept. 27, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Urges Senators to Oppose Kavanaugh Nomination With News of Third Accuser

(Washington, DC, September 26, 2018) – Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement.

Lambda Legal Sues Social Security on Behalf of Lesbian Seeking Spousal Survivor’s Benefits

“[T]he federal government is breathing life into the same discriminatory marriage laws that the Supreme Court has already struck down.”

Lambda Legal Urges Senators of Conscience to Step Forward to Convince White House to Withdraw Kavanaugh Nomination

(Washington, DC – Sept. 23, 2018) Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Applauds as California Becomes First State to Guarantee Gender-Affirming Health Care for Transgender Foster Youth

(New York–Sept. 21, 2018) Lambda Legal today added its voice to the chorus of praise for AB 2119, which was signed into law by California Governor Jerry Brown. His signing of the bill made California the first state in the union to explicitly guarantee gender-affirming health care for transgender youth in the state’s foster care system.

Victory! State Department Cannot Rely on its Binary-Only Gender Policy to Deny Passport to Nonbinary Intersex Citizen

From the ruling: “The authority to issue passports… does not include the authority to deny an applicant on grounds pertinent to basic identity[.]”

Lambda Legal and 60 LGBT Organizations Urge Senate to Postpone Kavanaugh Hearing and to Properly Investigate the Allegations of Sexual Assault

“We demand this nomination be halted until these serious sexual assault allegations can be properly and thoroughly investigated by both the Senate and by appropriate authorities.”

Lambda Legal Demands Senate Halt Kavanaugh Nomination Process and Asks Senators to Join the Call to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations

(Washington, DC – Sept. 16, 2018)  Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director, issued the following statement:

“Nearly twenty-seven years ago, Anita Hill was vilified for coming forward to tell her story. History must not repeat itself in 2018. Dr. Ford must be treated with the dignity and respect that was not afforded to Ms. Hill.

Court Rules Case Challenging Defense Department’s Discriminatory HIV Policies to Proceed

“We are pleased the court recognizes the importance of allowing this case to move forward, and of ensuring that outdated and irrational policies regarding people living with HIV are not allowed to stand.”

Intersex-Affirming Hospital Policy Guide Published Following First U.S. Legislative Acknowledgement of Non-consensual Surgical Procedures on Intersex People

(New York, NY) — interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth, Lambda Legal, and Proskauer Rose LLP have released the nation’s first intersex-affirming hospital policy guide, offering concrete steps for medical providers to provide sensitive, non-discriminatory care to intersex patients. “Intersex” describes up to 1.7% of the population born with natural variations in chromosomes, hormones, or genitalia that transcend an outdated understanding of biological sex as a male/female binary.
