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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal, ACLU and Gerhardstein & Branch File Ohio Marriage Case Brief at U.S. Supreme Court

(Washington, February 27, 2015) — Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Ohio-based Gerhardstein & Branch today filed their brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Henry v. Hodges and Obergefell v. Hodges arguing that Ohio’s ban on recognizing the legal marriages of same-sex couples violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

Indiana Senate Passes SB 101, Lambda Legal Urges House to Vote ‘No’ on Religious Discrimination Bill

(Indianapolis, IN, February 24, 2015) - Today, the Indiana Senate, with a vote of 40-10, passed a bill designed to allow private businesses, individuals and organizations to discriminate against anyone in Indiana on religious grounds.

Animus on display – why Arkansas SB 202 deserves a veto

(Little Rock, AR – February 21, 2015) – In response to the passage of SB 202 by the Arkansas legislature, the American Civil Liberties Union; ACLU of Arkansas; Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders; Lambda Legal; and National Center for Lesbian Rights issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal to Alabama Probate Judges: Ignore Chief Justice Roy Moore

(New York, February 10, 2015) - Today, Lambda Legal sent an open letter to the President of the Alabama Probate Judges Association and probate judges of counties that are not issuing licenses to same-sex couples urging them to disregard Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s legally incorrect and unfounded Administrative Order and instead issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and different-sex couples alike, after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the state’s request for a stay. 

Excerpt of the open letter (with citations omitted):

Lambda Legal Urges Indiana Senate Judiciary Committee to Reject Senate Bill 568 for What It Is, a License to Discriminate

(Indianapolis, IN, February 9, 2015) - Today, the Indiana Senate Judiciary Committee will consider a bill designed to allow private businesses, individuals and organizations to discriminate against anyone in Indiana on religious grounds.

Lambda Legal Mourns the Loss of Indiana Marriage Plaintiff Niki Quasney

(Chicago, IL, February 8, 2015) — On Thursday, February 5th, after more than five years of battling ovarian cancer, Lambda Legal plaintiff Niki Quasney, 38, passed away with her wife, Amy Sandler, her mother and 5 siblings by her side. Paul Castillo, Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal issued the following statement:  

Lambda Legal Files Brief Urging Supreme Court to Protect ACA Healthcare Subsidies

(New York, NY January 29, 2015) — Today in the United States Supreme Court, Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of nine national HIV advocacy organizations in King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Lambda Legal Urges First Circuit to Reverse Ruling Dismissing Puerto Rico Marriage Case

(San Juan, PR, January 26, 2015) — Today, Lambda Legal filed a brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit to overturn a lower court ruling dismissing Conde-Vidal v. Garcia-Padilla, the lawsuit seeking to end the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s discriminatory ban on marriage for LGBT couples.

Lambda Legal Issues Statement on the Nomination of Rev. Meeks as Chair of Illinois State Board of Education

(Chicago, IL, January 23, 2015) -- In response to Governor Rauner’s nomination of Reverend James Meeks as Chair of the Illinois State Board of Education, Christopher Clark, Counsel and Youth and Schools Program Strategist for Lambda Legal, released the following statement:

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Case Challenging Florida Rule Banning Personal Solicitation by Judicial Candidates

(New York, January 20, 2015) - The U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral argument in Williams-Yulee v. The Florida Bar, a First Amendment challenge to a Florida rule that helps keep courts impartial by prohibiting judicial candidates from personally soliciting campaign contributions.
