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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Applauds New York City Law to Ease Birth Certificate Changes for Transgender People

"This is significant news for many New Yorkers who face increased discrimination and harassment when they do not have identity documents that match who they are."

(New York) — Today, with the announcement that the New York City Council passed a bill that eliminates the surgery requirement for transgender people seeking to change the sex designation on their birth certificates, Lambda Legal released the following statement by Dru Levasseur, Transgender Rights Project Director:

Lambda Legal Condemns Police Violence, Urges NYPD Accountability

(New York, December 3, 2014) - Today, less than two weeks after the announcement that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for the killing of Michael Brown, a Staten Island grand jury decided that Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was shown on tape using a chokehold to restrain Eric Garner that ultimately led to Garner’s death, will not be indicted.

On World AIDS Day, Lambda Legal Calls for End to HIV Criminalization

(New York, December 1, 2014) — Today, Lambda Legal HIV Project Director Scott Schoettes released a statement to commemorate World AIDS Day:

Lambda Legal Urges Justice for Police Violence Victims

(New York, November 24, 2014) —Today, in the wake of the announcement that Officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted for shooting Ferguson, Missouri teenager, Michael Brown, Lambda Legal released the following joint statement from Jael Humphrey, Staff Attorney, and Beverly Tillery, Deputy Director of Education & Public Affairs for Education, Advocacy & Inclusion, its Criminal Justice and Police Misconduct strategists:

Lambda Legal and Forum for Equality Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Review Louisiana Marriage Case

“The ruling from the lower court in this case is a time-warped reading of the Constitution and neglects developments in the law, including since the Supreme Court’s decision in Windsor,”

Victory! U.S. Supreme Court Clears Way for Same-Sex Couples to Marry in South Carolina

“We congratulate all the happy couples as South Carolina becomes the 34th state where same-sex couples may marry.” 

(Charleston, SC) — Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the motion filed by South Carolina’s Attorney General  to further delay the start of marriage for same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Observes Transgender Day of Remembrance

“As we look back on the beautiful people we have lost this past year, we must not only work to change the hearts and minds of the public to achieve a better understanding and broader acceptance of transgender people, but we must also fight the racism, sexism, and transphobia that is rooted in these murders.”

Lambda Legal: Immigration Order Needs a Plan For LGBT Immigrants

(Los Angeles, November 20, 2014) – President Obama today announced he is issuing an executive order   taking action on immigration, including temporarily protecting about 5 million undocumented immigrants from the threat of deportation. However, the order provides the administrative relief only for those immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, potentially excluding a disproportionate number of undocumented LGBT immigrants who do not have children.

Victory! Fourth Circuit Rejects Attempt to Delay Marriage in South Carolina

(Charleston, SC, November 18, 2014) - Today, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied the State of South Carolina’s motion to stay last week’s U.S. District Court ruling striking down the state’s discriminatory marriage ban, setting the stage for marriages to begin for same-sex couples  at Noon on Thursday, November 20.  South Carolina’s Attorney General filed a motion for an emergency stay to delay marriages following a ruling by the U. S.

Lambda Legal Observes Transgender Awareness Week

Events Highlight Need for Education and Awareness on Issues Facing the Transgender Community

(New York, NY) - In observance of National Transgender Awareness Week November 17th to November 21st, Lambda Legal is joining a host of organizations and community organizers from across the country for a week of education and community events including Transgender Day of Action, Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Day of Resilience. 
