Lambda Legal Condemns Arizona Legislature’s Discriminatory Trifecta
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Tucson-based Lambda Legal Staff Attorney Kell Olson issued the following statement:
“Today in Arizona, apparently not wishing to be left behind, Arizona legislators pushed through three discriminatory copycat bills, two targeting transgender youth and one criminalizing abortion care after 15 weeks. Governor Ducey needs to veto these hateful bills; lives are in the balance.
“As an Arizonan, it is horrifying to see elected representatives take part in this coordinated attack against our most vulnerable community members. Health care for transgender people and for people who become pregnant should be determined by medical providers and patients in line with best medical practices—not by politicians. And transgender youth should be allowed to participate in school activities with their peers. For months, Arizona families from around the state have traveled to meet with legislators and testify at committee hearings, putting their privacy and humanity on the line to protect their loved ones. And many legislators cited these heart-rending stories in their opposition to these bills.
“Politicians across the country continue to attack transgender youth to score political points. But let’s be honest: this is not about sports or health care. These politicians are testing the waters to see how much they can leverage fear and misinformation to win short-term political gains at the expense of transgender lives. But transgender people will not be erased, and the loving voices of those who support them will not be silenced.”
Messages urging Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to veto the bills should be directed to doug.ducey@azgovernor.gov.
Contact Info
Contact: Tom Warnke; (o): 213-382-7600 ext. 247; (c): 213-841-4503; Email twarnke@lambdalegal.org