Lambda Legal Hails Passage of California Legislation that Will Provide Wide Range of Protections for Lesbian and Gay Couples

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Attorney who played key role in drafting the bill and client who was a key witness in hearings say legislation will impact thousands of people statewide and provides a blueprint for other states to begin treating couples equally
September 3, 2003

(Los Angeles, Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2003) -- In response to the passage of state legislation that will provide a wide range of protections to lesbian and gay couples, the following statements were issued today by Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, a national organization fighting for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. Gov. Gray Davis announced recently that he plans to sign the legislation, Assembly Bill 205, when it reaches his desk in the next few days. Lambda Legal has handled a number of cases that would have been unnecessary if AB 205 had been already in place for lesbian and gay couples. As well as helping draft this legislation, Lambda Legal leads court challenges fighting for recognition of same-sex relationships.

“Families in California badly need the protections this legislation will provide. We work with lesbian and gay couples all across California who cannot take care of each other or their children effectively because the law treats them like strangers. California is taking a giant leap forward in letting families protect their relationships. This bill won’t solve everything for lesbian and gay couples in California, but it will improve thousands of families’ lives and bring us closer to true equality for our relationships. Once this bill is signed into law, other states will have a model for how to treat all families fairly and give same-sex couples important tools they need to protect themselves. ” -- Jennifer Pizer, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal

    Pizer, who helped draft A.B. 205 with Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Jon Davidson for Assembly member Jackie Goldberg, litigates cases that advance domestic partner protections, secure the rights of lesbian and gay parents, and help end discrimination in employment, education, health care and housing. She is a public policy consultant who speaks extensively on the need of LGBT families for full legal protections under state and federal law.

“My daughter was taken from me because in the eyes of the law, I wasn’t her mother. Although I went to court with the help of Lambda Legal and got my daughter back, AB 205 will protect other children from being torn away from their families.”-- Lydia Ramos, a witness in support of AB 205 when it was presented to the California Legislature

    When Lydia Ramos lost her partner of 14 years in a car accident, it set off a chain of events that led to the couple’s daughter being taken from Lydia by hostile relatives. With Lambda Legal’s assistance, Lydia was reunited with her daughter and retains full custody of her.


Contact: Fred Shank, 212/809-8585 ext. 267
Jennifer Pizer, 213/382-7600 ext. 223 or 213/590-5903 (mobile)
Jon Davidson , 213/382-7600 ext. 228



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