Lambda Legal Statement Regarding Antigay California Ballot Initiative
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(Los Angeles, July 25, 2005) Lambda Legal Western Regional Office Director, Katherine Gabel, made the following statement concerning the proposed amendment to the California Constitution made public today by Attorney General Lockyer:
“In the face of this challenge, Lambda Legal is gratified that such a diverse group of organizations have so quickly united to sound the alarm about how high the stakes really are in this fight. Thousands of California’s families would permanently be banned from marriage and domestic partnership protections if this ballot initiative were to be approved and discrimination would be written into our diverse state’s constitution.
California’s strength has come from valuing all its communities. We need to continue this great tradition by coming together to vote for valuing our families by voting against this initiative.”
Contact: Mark Roy at 212-809-8585 ext. 267
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.