Lambda Legal: Jeff Sessions Is a Dire Threat to Our Civil Rights
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New York, NY – Following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, Rachel B. Tiven, CEO of Lambda Legal, the nation’s oldest and largest non-profit legal organization working for LGBT rights, released the following statement:
“Jeff Sessions’ confirmation as Attorney General today is a travesty. The chief lawyer of the United States is now someone who has devoted his whole life to obstructing civil rights. He is a life-long opponent of the civil rights of LGBT people, people of color, women and immigrants. Sadly, we have no confidence in his commitment to enforcing the law and protecting the civil rights of everyone in this country.
“The Republican-led Senate may have disregarded Sessions’ troubling track record, but we know it all too well. Jeff Sessions is a dire threat to our civil rights. He is an opponent of marriage equality and a dogged foe of immigrants and refugees – even LGBT people fleeing persecution. I have personally seen him be rude and dismissive toward LGBT families.”
“Lambda Legal has a long history of suing the government—and winning. We’ll be watching his steps at the Justice Department very closely and will fight any attempt to roll back our rights.”
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CONTACT: Jordan Brueckner, jordan.brueckner@berlinrosen.com, 646-200-5298
Rachel B. Tiven and legal experts from Lambda Legal are available to discuss Sessions’ congressional hearing and what impact his appointment would have on the LGBT community.