Lambda Legal Statement on Tragedy in Orlando
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Sunday, June 12, 2016 (New York) – In response to the tragic attack on patrons in a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, Lambda Legal Acting Executive Director Fran Goldstein issued the following statement:
Lambda Legal joins the people around the country in expressing our sorrow and outrage at the terrible and deadly attack on patrons at a gay bar in Orlando, Florida. Our first thoughts, as they must be, are with the loved ones of those who were killed and with those who were injured or who witnessed this horrific assault. We offer our deepest sympathies and our hopes that those who were wounded will recover.
Though little is known at this hour about the attacker, the police have characterized this as an act of domestic terrorism and news reports indicate that it was a hate crime. It occurred during LGBT Pride Month, only days after 150,000 people participated in a pride celebration in Orlando.
As an organization that fights every day for justice for LGBT people and people living with HIV, we also raise our voice this morning to say “No more hatred and violence against our community!” We will continue to stand up for the dignity and equality of every member of the communities we represent - to demand fair and effective responses from police and the criminal justice systems; to fight for laws that prohibit discrimination, not encourage or require it; and to expect public officials and leaders across the country to unite us in justice.