Janet Reno to Address Lambda Luncheon in Fort Lauderdale

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Saturday, March 2 event also features Lambda family law expert Patricia Logue
February 25, 2002

(ATLANTA, February 25, 2002) — Janet Reno, whose tenure as United States attorney general brought unprecedented civil rights support for gay people and those with AIDS or HIV, will address Lambda Legal supporters at a Fort Lauderdale luncheon on Saturday, March 2.

Also addressing the gathering will be Lambda Senior Counsel Patricia M. Logue, a national expert in family law and the concerns of lesbian and gay parents and their children.

The luncheon begins at noon on Saturday, March 2, with Attorney General Reno and Logue speaking to supporters of the nation’s oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, the transgendered, and people with HIV or AIDS.

As attorney general, Reno advocated for the safety of schoolchildren harassed for being gay, spoke out in support of federal hate crimes legislation, improved immigration and asylum policies with regard to sexual orientation, and allowed HIV-positive visitors to the U.S. to enter the country without a special permit for the first time.

Logue works nationally on policy development and litigation for Lambda, as well as overseeing Lambda’s work in the midwest. A leading expert on lesbian and gay issues in family law, she has advanced fairness in custody and adoption nationwide. She also has worked intensely against anti-gay harassment and discrimination in schools and defended free speech rights for gay students, teachers and other minorities at public schools and universities.

Said Hector Vargas, Lambda’s Southern Regional Director, “Janet Reno is highly respected for her principles, her wisdom, and her unquestionable commitment to making our country a fairer place for all. And with the current challenge to Florida’s ban on adoptions by lesbian and gay parents, Pat’s considerable experience and knowledge in family law should be very useful for our Fort Lauderdale area friends. We’re thrilled to have both of them here for this event.”

The luncheon has been organized by Fort Lauderdale attorney and Lambda board member Constance Kaplan.

WHAT: Luncheon for Lambda Legal supporters in Fort Lauderdale area
WHO: Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and Lambda Senior Counsel Patricia M. Logue
WHERE: 15th Street Fisheries, 1900 15th Fleet, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
WHEN: Saturday, March 2, 2002, noon to 2 p.m. EST

Contact: Hector Vargas, 404-897-1880, ext. 24
Jennifer Grissom 212-809-8585 x 231, 888-987-1972


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