Court Rules Against Catholic Charities in Foster-Care Case
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In response to the court's swift decision in Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield-in-Illinois et al. v. Illinois et al, Lambda Legal's Marriage Project Director Camilla Taylor issued the following statement:
"This is the right result. The court correctly concluded on procedural grounds that the state could decline to renew its contracts with four dioceses of Catholic Charities. The state chose not to renew their contracts because they insisted on violating state and federal law by refusing to place children in the homes of couples in civil unions. Illinois correctly determined that this practice was bad for kids, could deny many of them their best opportunity for a better life, and that the state's obligation was to make the transition to other providers as seamless as possible."
Click here for more information about the case.
Lambda Legal lawyers Camilla Taylor, Marriage Project Director, and Flor Bermudez, Youth in Out-of-Home Care Project Staff Attorney, are joined by co-counsel Richard D. Felice of Wheaton, Illinois, and Rhonda K. Jenkins of Springfield, Illinois.
Contact Info
Contact: Erik Roldan; 312-663-4413 x359; eroldan@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.