Lambda Legal Hopeful as Plans Unfold to Bring Illinois Marriage Bill to a Vote
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(Chicago, IL, December 13, 2012) - Today Rep. Greg Harris and Sen. Heather Steans announced that they will call for a vote early in 2013 on House Bill 5710, The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Camilla Taylor, Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal:
"By bringing the marriage bill to a vote, Rep. Harris and Sen. Steans the co-sponsors of HB 5170 have brought hope to thousands of same-sex couples across Illinois," said Camilla Taylor, Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal. "Whether it's through the courts or through the legislature, Illinois same-sex couples and their children need the freedom to marry now, and it's encouraging that our elected officials agree. The time is now."
On May 30, 2012, Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Illinois each filed lawsuits representing a total of 25 same-sex couples from across the state of Illinois seeking the freedom to marry. Two days later, the Illinois Attorney General's office filed papers agreeing that barring same-sex couples from marriage is unconstitutional. The Cook County Clerk and States Attorney also agree that the marriage ban is unconstitutional.
For more information about Lambda Legal's case, Darby v. Orr, visit the case page at www.lambdalegal.org/in-court/cases/darby-v-orr or to learn more about Lambda Legal's ILove marriage campaign visit: www.lambdalegal.org/ilove
Camilla Taylor, National Marriage Project Director and Christopher Clark, Senior Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Midwest Regional Office are handling the case Darby v. Orr for Lambda Legal. They are joined by Emily Nicklin, Jordan M. Heinz, Amy Crawford, and Katherine Guilfoyle of Kirkland & Ellis LLP in Chicago.
Contact Info
Lisa Hardaway Cell: 973-902-9298; Email: lhardaway@lambdalegal.org